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the body
weight bar

Keeping you strong and capable for life.

about US

Body Weight Bar is a company focused on improving fitness and well-being through our suspended body weight trainer. Designed for seniors, beginner/intermediate individuals and those with movement disorders like Parkinson's. Our product offers a safe, easy-to-use workout that boosts strength, balance, and mobility.


Developed by two personal trainers with over 50 years of combined experience, the Body Weight Bar features a solid bar with six cushioned hand grips, an adjustable strap and anchors for home or gym use.


 Proudly made in the USA with high-quality materials.

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What people are saying

"This has been great for my rheumatoid arthritis, the grips are thick so that it’s easier to hold onto.”

Rhonda, age 63

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Buying and using the bar is simple.
No tools or exercise experience required.


Purchase the Body Weight Bar

Lifetime access to the Strong Over 50 workout program and exercise video library is included in your purchase. Free domestic shipping.


Place Bar on door, squat rack, or wall

No holes or tools needed. Simply close a door on the Body Weight Bar hanger attachment. Can also be used on a squat rack or clipped to a wall anchor.


Download the App

Get free access to workout programs to fit your busy life.


Feel stronger and more capable

Feel and see the results of regular strength training.

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